Torts and Your No Win No Fee Solicitor

Had King Harold driven back the Normans at Hastings almost a millennium ago, many things would be different today - but your right to compensation for an injury would in all likelihood still exist. This principle of English law goes back to the time when our Saxon ancestors were still living in the woods of Central Europe; a free man who had suffered an injury because of another's actions or negligence could claim compensation, known then as were-gyld, from the party responsible.

This ancient tradition is the basis of your modern right to no win no fee compensation.

How to Choose a Work Injury Solicitor

If you've suffered from a work injury, and are looking for a suitable work injury solicitor, then you might know exactly what to look for, and which firm of solicitors you'll choose. If not, here's what you need to consider.

1. You'll want to know how much experience the solicitor has had. If they've been involved in work injury cases for many years, then they'll have more experience than a new solicitor who was recently involved in family law.

Personal Injury Solicitors Help Mesothelioma Sufferers

Every year in the UK around 1,600 people die from mesothelioma, a terminal lung disease which is normally caused by contact with asbestos. Many of the people who have learnt the devastating news that they are suffering from an incurable condition, have made the decision to speak to a personal injury solicitor. A solicitor with expertise in this area of the law can help them to make a personal injury claim. Asbestos related illnesses, which people are suffering from today, could have been avoided if action was taken many years ago.

It is difficult to swallow the facts and figures surrounding asbestos use. Thousands of people are waking up to the fact that their professional lives as many as 30 or 40 years ago were in fact contributing to an early and painful death.

Britain's Mesothelioma Epedemic

Government figures taken from a 2009 study have confirmed that there has been a steady rise in mesothelioma resulting from exposure to asbestos. Statistics from the Health and Safety Executive show that the asbestos epidemic which was the cause of 2156 deaths in 2007 is still on the increase. The most commonly affected occupations are joiners, heating and insulation experts, carpenters and electricians.

The amount of deaths related to asbestos exposure is expected to increase to an estimated 91000 male deaths by 2050. Since the mesthelioma register was put in place in 1967 the yearly figures of asbestos related deaths has increased steadily.

What Defines a Good Personal Injury Solicitor

A personal injury can happen any time and it might be as a result of an accident at work, road or even in the home. This accidents may cause physical or psychological injuries or both. A personal injury can be caused by defective products and negligence in medical practice. There are diseases that occur in the work place because of hazards, they occur and cause personal injury. Such hazards could be asbestos and other harmful chemicals. Asbestos has been known to cause a cancer that can be deadly and it is called Mesothelioma. There are so many other diseases like contact dermatitis and deafness that can occur and they are considered personal injuries. Personal injuries can be caused by negligence of someone else and if for sure you suffered as a result of someone else, then it is possible to seek compensation for your loss and you therefore need a personal injury solicitor.